Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 46

I had my 6 week post-partum doctor's appointment today which managed to make me miss the 9:00 AM feeding and part of the noon feeding. When I finally arrived on time for her 3:00 PM feeding, her nurse told me that Dr. Slack had written in the orders to be prepared to go to Care By Parent tomorrow evening. Even though we knew this was coming soon, I still felt a little shocked. She gained less than an ounce last night so she is still at 3 lb 10 oz and I guess I just didn't think we'd be heading home under 4 lbs. So, the plan as of this evening is to go to Care By Parent (the program where you sleep with the baby in a hospital room across the hall from the NICU) for Thursday and Friday nights and then come home sometime on Saturday. Is this really happening??!! Blaine and I have been scrambling since 4:00 to get all the last minute things done. Thankfully, my parents are coming at the drop of a hat to get Riley...the dogs are going to the kennel...Blaine's still hanging the drapes in the nursery now and it's almost midnight! It feels like I am schedule for an induction tomorrow, like we somehow get to "redo" the whole birthing thing and spend a few nights in the hospital and then bring an actual baby home with us.

The nurses have been giving me instructions on how to give Brynn her iron supplements (so that she can improve her ability to make red blood cells), how to mix her formula caloric supplement with the breastmilk, etc. I have been trying to slowly wean myself from looking at her monitors to make sure she's doing OK when she eats or I'm holding her. It will be hard not to have that reassurance but I know we'll become more confident as the days go by.

I'm off to pack my "hospital" bag and pack a bag for Brynn. I guess the best part is that I don't have to worry about going through labor and delivery to get the prize at the end...I've already done that part! It will be a lot easier on me in the hospital this time--this is what it must feel like to be the father! I'll bring my computer and keep everyone posted.

1 comment:

Jennifer Busler said...

It will be a Halloween to remember, although I'm sorry you won't get to spend it with Riley.

And, I loved the idea that it's a birthing 'do over' and, of course, am looking forward to all your new impending fatherhood insight.

Our warmest thoughts and wishes,
Jen (Chris and Ava, too)