Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day 49--The Last Day in the NICU

Brynn is home! Last night went even better than the first night as Blaine and I tried to work out our "rotations." She slept well between feedings and woke up to eat all of her bottles all day. She even seems to be getting hungry sometimes between feedings and the nurses told us today to transition from such regimented feedings to a more relaxed schedule of "feeding her when she seems hungry." Makes intuitive sense for people bringing home a full-term newborn, but we know we still can't let her go more than 3 hours without eating no matter if she seems hungry or not.

Leaving the NICU was a bit surreal for me. Of course, we had an entirely new nurse today so I was sad that we didn't get to say good-bye to any of the many nurses we have grown to love. Although excitement was clearly the emotion of the day, I was surprised to find myself tearing up a bit as we left the NICU. It had really become our "home away from home" over the last 7 weeks, and we've met some amazing people who've taken great care of Brynn. We'll definitely be sending Christmas cards with pictures of Brynn the "big" girl. Speaking of weight, she weighed in last night before discharge at 4 lb 0 oz. So she made it to the 4 lb mark before coming home.

Now we're beginning a new stage of adapting to newborn life. Riley doesn't come home until tomorrow night so we have a little time to adjust here before we add a 3 1/2 year old to the mix. She says she's very excited to meet her baby sister, but we're not too naive to realize that she'll have some adjustments to make in the days to come. It will feel good to have the whole family together even though I'll likely be pulling my hair out at least once a day. Despite the need to keep Brynn at home as much as possible for a while, we already have two doctors appointments this week. She sees her pediatrician for the first time this week and we have a follow-up eye exam as well.

We can't possibly begin to express how grateful we are for all the support and the thousands of prayers that have been said for Brynn. This has truly been an amazing experience for me--amazingly bad and amazingly good at the same time. I definitely feel like Brynn is the closest thing to a miracle I will experience in my lifetime, and I know that literally hundreds of you have walked this path along with us. I'm planning to print out all the blog entries and comments so that Brynn can read them someday.

I know I'm behind on getting some updated pictures posted, so I'll try to do that for tomorrow's post.


The Bradford's said...

I have been following your sweet little Brynn and I praise God that she is doing so well and finally at home. I wanted to let you know that you don't have to print out all the comments and posts. Go to to find out how you can get it all printed in a book.

Jennifer Busler said...

One journey ends and another begins. Welcome Home, Brynn.

Jen, Chris & Ava

Danae said...

I feel a little silly leaving comments on the blog since I see you all the time. But for everyone reading, I just wanted to express how amazing it was to see Brynn finally at home, in her own nursery, not attached to any wires or monitors! She looks more precious and content than ever. She truly is a miracle and we feel so blessed to have been a part of this journey.
Love Danae, Geoff, Sophie and Sylvie

Judy said...

I know you are excited and nervous all at the same time but time will help all of you adjust. Sounds likes she growing stronger every day! I'm so happy for you.

--Judy May

cbennett said...

Yeah! I'm so glad that Brynn is home. She must be a real trooper being able to come home so much earlier that expected. Texas friends will continue to pray for you all.

Janet Jackson said...

I am crying tears of joy for you guys right at this moment. So happy to hear Brynn is home. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers. Love you!

GINGER said...

God continues to bless us all! We are so happy for you and I can't wait to see her running circles around you both! Brynn has been through such an uphill climb that the rest of her life should be a breeze. I look forward to meeting this wonderful, blessed little girl....
Love, Ginger and crew

Tenille Rauls said...

So thankful for you all she is home and doing so well. I will continue to lift you all up in prayer. May God bless sweet Brynn and give you all a peace and comfort at home. I remember taking Lexi home and wishing I could just have the O2 sat machine with me :) There comes to be something comforting about those things! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Yea! Brynn is home. That's wonderful news. Best wishes from your friends at LSU!

LSU School of Art