Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day 21

There have been so many people who are interested in hearing updates about Brynn's progress that I decided to start posting on a blog. If you choose to read my postings, please be forewarned that common NICU excitement includes in-depth discussions about baby poop, intestinal functioning, spit-up, and of course, breast milk issues. Hopefully, my in-depth discussion of an explosive pooping episode (such as yesterday) will fill you with the same joy that Blaine and I experience! If not, this might just be too much information for you, and you can feel free to email or call me for personal updates.
Just to get everyone up to speed, Brynn was born at 30 weeks gestation (40 weeks is full term) after concerns had already been raised about her being growth restricted in addition to the onset of preeclampsia for me. She was born on September 14th at 9:37 PM via emergency C-section and weighed in at a whopping 1 lb 15 oz.
  • Good news so far:
  1. She has never required a ventilator!
  2. She has never required a ventilator!
  3. After 21 days in the NICU, she is now up to 2 lbs 4 oz.
  4. She got her IV/pick line removed two days ago.
  • Bad news so far:
  1. She weighed only 1 lb 15 oz at birth which gives her the double-whammy effect of being far too small for even her early gestational age
  2. She had to have her IV/pick line placed again yesterday during a scary episode of what her neonatologists thought might be the dreaded necrotizing entercolitis (NEC...please bear with my use of newer and scarier acronyms as the days progress) which is a severe infection of the intestines...this episode turned out to be a severe case of DSB (as Dr. Slack, one of her neonatologists defines as the "dreaded sewer backup," or severe constipation)
  3. Because of the scare yesterday, she will not be fed (via her NG tube) for at least 7 days to make sure her intestines are working well. After that, we'll start the slow process of building up her tolerance for food again.

I know that lots of people have been wondering when she's likely to get to come home. The NICU personnel told us that there is no specific minimum weight criteria, but she has to be able to do the following things: 1) breathe with minimal oxygen (check) 2) tolerate bottle feedings for all meals (negative) 3) maintain her temperature (negative) and 4) tolerate a car seat (unknown).

Just in case you haven't heard this from us personally--we can't even express how much we appreciate all of your support, kindness, and prayers. I know it's cliche, but these are the tough times when you truly realize how amazing your friends and family are, and we will always be grateful for every prayer, meal, word of kindness, and gift.


Unknown said...

Wow - 'Uncle' Geoff gets to leave the first comment! Hey Brynn - hurry up and eat already - Auntie Danae and cousins Sophie & Sylvie are waaaaaaiting to see you! Lots of love and get well soon you little scrapy one!
Geoff, Danae, Sophie, & Sylvie

JDB said...

Hi Brooke,

What a great idea! Your blog is very informative. It was fantastic to see you and Brynn and couple of weeks ago. Hopefully the little gal will be home for Christmas!

Love, Donna & Joe

MML said...

Hi Brooke!

Thanks for doing this. Corby and I have been thinking and thinking about you and your family. We send our love- super-duper amounts of it!

Love Monique

nursekay said...

Good Morning Brooke, Blaine, and Riley - What a beautiful young lady!!! She looks like the perfect mix of both mom and dad. Those long, slender fingers make me think that she may get dad's height! Thanks for keeping us all updated. Love and Godspeed to all.

Aunt Kay

AMWilliams said...

I'm so glad you're doing this, Brooke. I just love the details & am glad you don't have to keep repeating them a million times now. I can't wait to meet her in person!

Anonymous said...

Hi Family- We've never met, but Brooke, your mom and my mom are cousins. Just wanted to say we are sending lots of prayers and positive energy your way from the Pacific Northwest. Even my office mates are following your journey. That baby Brynn is about the most precious thing we have ever seen! Congratulations on the new baby. We look forward to hearing more!
Lisa Palermo-Barrager