Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 33

Brynn weighed in tonight at 2 lbs 15 oz...we're already getting our 3 lb party hats out and ready. The most difficult part of today was discovering that Brynn had been moved out of our cozy little corner of the NICU onto a row of lots of other babies. Evidently, there was some emergency situation with another baby this morning that necessitated Brynn being moved. It was surprising to me how much it bothered me to be out of our new-found comfort zone. But, if the only bad news we have in a day is that her isolette was moved, then I say it's still a pretty good day! The one good thing about the move is that she is now close to the NICU windows that look out into the hall and we are going to be able to let Riley finally see Brynn through the window. Riley is coming home tomorrow after a fun week with Gram and Pop, so it will be a nice surprise for her to get to finally see this baby we've all been talking about so much.

The new pictures were taken this afternoon while I was holding her. We didn't get to give her any bottles today because she was either too sleepy at feeding time or her respiratory rate was slightly too high. So, we just held her this afternoon and Blaine snapped a few shots. When I arrived for her 9:00 PM feeding tonight, I was greeted with the offer of giving Brynn a bath. I obviously jumped right on that one! The amazing thing to me was that the absolute best part of the entire bath was getting to carry her 20 feet away from her isolette to the sink. Up until tonight, a nurse has always had to get her out of her isolette and lay her in my arms while she remains attached to the isolette with various cords. Tonight, the nurse simply disconnected all the cords and asked if I would like to carry her over to the sink. The simple act of picking her up and carrying her to the sink made it really feel like she was my baby for one of the first times. The bath was icing on the cake at that point.

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