Friday, October 31, 2008

Day 48

We've survived our first night alone with Brynn. She has actually been a really good baby and I didn't feel nearly as overwhelmed this morning as I did the first morning after we brought Riley home. She has to eat every 3 hours which means I have to get up and pump before she's ready to eat. She is also receiving eye drops 4 times a day for her eye infection, vitamins twice a day, and iron supplements twice a day. I'm working on a chart to try to help me keep it all straight and make sure I don't screw up the "when" and "how much" of all her medications. She's been a trooper on her bottles since our little set-back yesterday evening. Blaine has been worried that her breathing was congested so they also gave us some saline drops for her nose and they did a viral culture to make sure she hasn't caught some bug. The results won't be in for 24 hours (around 9:00 AM tomorrow) so we're hoping the results are negative. If not, it's very unlikely that they'll let us come home. But, she's not showing any signs of sickness and her lungs look good so it's really a precautionary test.

I'm feeling more confident now that I am getting to assume full-time care of her. I know I've done all this before with Riley, but it's amazing how much you forget. One thing that was quickly familiar was the feeling of sleep deprivation. In a weird way, though, it was somewhat welcome because it's such a "normal" part of having a baby.

Cross your fingers and toes that all goes well tonight and we'll be heading home tomorrow!

1 comment:

Racheal said...

Congratulations on surviving the first 24 hours of rooming in! I hope everything goes well tonight and that you have a happy homecoming tomorrow.