Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 32

After yesterday's multiple procedures, today was a much-needed day of calm. She had a great day overall. She's now up to 2 lbs 13 oz. The occupational therapist, Ashley, did a feeding assessment of Brynn today. Of course, Ashley came when I wasn't there...but the second-hand news I got was that Brynn took the entire bottle for Ashley and the doctor ended up writing orders for an increase to 2 bottle feeds each day. She is also now up to 27 ml per feeding.

In other big news, Brynn actually had on a real Pampers premie diaper for the first time today. When she was born, she wore the tiniest diapers I have ever seen that were individually wrapped in packages the size of a deck of cards. In the past 1-2 weeks, she moved up into the next size of diapers but they were still special-order premie diapers. The Pampers diapers swallow her whole, but it was still great to see a "real" diaper on her tiny body.

The best news was that her nurse today actually predicted that Brynn might get to come home before her due date. Her due date was 11/21, and to keep my expectations low I've been trying to tell myself that we'll have her home by Christmas. So I'm trying not to actually think about this possibility too much...OK, I'm thinking about it plenty.


AMWilliams said...

Go Brynn! You can do it!

GINGER said...

I knew she was a fighter....those Leslie genes won't let her down!!! I miss you all and think of you always....

nursekay said...

Brynn continues to show us what she's made of! The fact that she is increasing her tolerance to feedings shows that her little GI tract is maturing! Brooke-Thanks so much for keeping us all updated. It is encouraging to hear about her progress and strenghthens our faith that prayers are being answered.

Aunt Kay