Friday, October 17, 2008

Day 34

Well, strap on your party hats because we have officially reached the 3 lb mark!! Actually, she weighed in tonight at 3 lb 1 oz. She has been a champ with her bottle feedings over the past day, sucking down a whole bottle 2 of the last 3 times. I have been saying all along that I'll be relieved when she makes it to 3 lbs, so I guess I need to officially breathe a sigh of relief.

Today was a day of firsts for other family members as well. Riley got to see Brynn for the first time. Brynn's isolette was moved for a second time today into the back row of babies near the back door. I asked the nurse if we could unhook her from her monitors for a short time to be able to take her to the back door and let Riley see her through the window. Unfortunately, Riley was just waking up from a nap when she arrived at the hospital and didn't get too excited about the whole thing. Of course, for those of you who know Riley, it's not too unusual for her not to get too excited about things. She did talk about Brynn a bit when we were leaving the hospital...mainly stating that she can hold "her" baby while her cousins Brett and Rory could only hold "their" baby.

Today was also the first time my mom ("Gram") got to hold Brynn. She even got to try a bottle feed with Brynn tonight. It was so nice to finally get to have some of those "Kodak" moments that always come with babies, and we appropriately documented the occasion with lots of photos.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Brynn!! We've got our party hats on up here in WA!!! Keep chugging those bottles down and you will be home sooner than later!!

Jennifer Busler said...

Whahoo! 3 lbs. Celebration time.

Good job Brynn. But, great work Brooke & Blaine. All the love is just as important as her bottle guzzling.

All our love,

Jen, Chris & Ava

Brenda said...

You are sooooooo cute.
I love you.

Jeff said...

3lbs! Brynn is a real champ at gaining weight...She and I already have something in common!
Keep up the good work B,B,R,and B.